Leadership Development for the corporate, industrial, trade and public service sectors

Practical leadership for real-world challenges

Images of people at workshops

A person sits at a table in front of an open laptop, smiling
A person stands at the front of a room with others seated at a table with laptops and notes. They are all interacting with each other and smiling.
Three people stand together at a whiteboard, one person writing on it. All are smiling.

Build people, and they will build your business

Stepping up as a leader means more than mastering tasks; it’s about inspiring people.

As a Leadership Coach, I’ve helped many bridge this gap by arming them with the right tools to better understand themselves, manage others, and combine these skills to benefit the business.

Lead yourself

Increase your self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Lead others

Lead others to increase their own self-awareness.

Lead teams

Guide teams to work together effectively for everyone’s benefit.

Lead business

Manage your team for the benefit of the business and customers.

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Ready to transform your leaders?

Organisations Jon Dunning has worked with

As worked with

Rhipe: A Crayon companyAuckland CouncilMassey University Te Kunenga ki PūrehuroaThe IcehouseOrigin Fire Consultants: Creative Collaborators

Your organisation deserves leaders who can lead well and consistently

Many team leaders, early-level managers and supervisors were promoted because they were good at their job.

But this doesn’t mean they have the skills to lead.

Real leadership means more than just being in charge.

It’s about bringing out the best in everyone, inspiring, guiding, and supporting others to achieve common goals.

Why leave the success of your business to leaders who can’t yet lead?

When leaders have the skills to lead effectively, they can manage themselves, manage others, and bring everyone together to ensure the organisation’s success.

Everyone deserves the opportunity to excel in their roles and contribute positively to their communities.


“Jon is well-attuned to commercial and business realities while retaining the “human touch” in his professional dealings. He has inspired and encouraged me to punch above my weight and persevere in my career goals no matter what, and I know I join countless others in saying that.” – John, Legal Officer at Royal New Zealand Navy

A group of people sit around a table with laptops and notepads. One person is standing as if talking, and everyone is smiling.


Tailored confidential support that unlocks your potential and achieve your goals – for individuals and groups.

A group of people sit around a table with laptop and notepads. One person is talking while others listen.

Leadership development

Leadership training programmes and courses that cover a range of leadership needs.

colourful post-it notes have been stuck on a glass wall, people are adding and new post-its to the wall.

Contract facilitation and training

Tailored confidential support that unlocks your potential and achieve your goals – for individuals and groups.

What Jon Dunning can offer your organisation

  • Grow and develop your leadership capability.
  • Strengthen team communication.
  • Improve decision-making.
  • Retain skilled staff.
  • Attract top talent.
  • Build and maintain performance.
  • Navigate change well.
  • Foster innovation and creativity.
  • Focus on getting the job done.
Jon Dunning, leadership coach

Hi, I’m Jon

Moving into a leadership role and turning from a mate to a manager can feel daunting, but it shouldn’t create barriers.

Every leader deserves the tools to turn challenges into triumphs, not trials.

As a leadership coach, I share practical, empathy-driven leadership tools and solutions so you can confidently manage difficult conversations, get the best out of your team and lead with purpose.

With years of hands-on experience and a commitment to practical, empathy-driven leadership, I help organisations in any sector develop leaders who lead consistently and well.

Let’s get started together


Book a discovery call

Book a free discovery call to discuss your leadership challenges and goals for yourself or your team. This call will help you decide if I’m the coach or facilitator for you for you and help me outline how I can support your journey.

Book a call


Choose a path

Choose the ideal path for your needs – one-on-one coaching for personalised guidance to kickstart your leadership transformation, or group sessions for collaborative learning and team development.


See the change

See transformation in your leaders and teams as they implement effective tools and strategies to boost confidence, productivity, and overall organisational success.
