Are you and your team motivated?

Since I last posted, I have been working with a group of managers and team leaders who are going through change. One of the challenges they face is working out people’s motivations and [...]


Everyday leadership

Yesterday, I mentioned how important it is to take time to celebrate success, both big and small. In this lovely story, Drew Dudley calls us to celebrate leadership as an everyday act of [...]


Take time to celebrate!

One of the joys of coaching is seeing others celebrate their accomplishments. Just this week, a client started a session by showing me her shiny new manicure. Last week, she decided this would be [...]


Self care for the self-employed

Working from a home office can take some getting used to for all concerned. Time served in a corporate office does little to prepare you for the experience. Being around the house all day can [...]



I am just back from two great days alongside my good friend Mark, co-facilitating creativity and innovation workshops for a national produce company at a great venue. The team at LaValla, headed [...]


Real people are our infrastructure

‘“We’re old school…no robots. No telephone trees. Instead, real people are our infrastructure.” The key to the company’s success is a dedicated, engaged support team.’ It is so [...]